Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Top 5 Reasons an MBA is a Bad Investment | BNET

Top 5 Reasons an MBA is a Bad Investment | BNET

For years, an MBA degree has been seen as a first-class ticket to the management fast track. People spend $100,000 (or more!) to earn the degree, confident that it will propel their career into overdrive.

Even so, the once-golden MBA is quickly losing its luster. Let’s face it: the degree has been WAY over-hyped, MBA curricula are out of touch with real-world demands, and many programs have a culture that fosters some awful management habits.

With that in mind, here are the top five reasons your MBA may not be worth the money you’ll pay for it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Main Oil Gallery

In the picture above, we've enlarged and polished the oil feed passage (A) by .250" from the front of the block all the way to the oil filter housing. The main oil galley (B) has also been polished internally, and the water pump housing (C) has been thoroughly deburred